[2024 Update] Bitkub API V3 Python

Wongsakorn Sanwises
3 min readJan 4, 2024

ในช่วงปลายปี 2023 ที่ผ่าน Bitkub ได้เปลี่ยนระบบยกเครื่อง API ใหม่ เพื่อความปลอดภัยที่มากขึ้น ทำให้ไลบรารี่ python เดิมที่ใช้อยู่ใช้ไม่ได้แล้วเลยมาเขียนบันทึกนี้ขึ้นมาใหม่เพื่อโน๊ตและแชร์ให้เพื่อนๆพี่ๆน้องๆเอาไว้ใช้

ผมใช้ ChatGPT เขียนโค้ดให้เป็น Functions ออกมาจะได้ไม่ต้องไปงมเองโดยเอา example ของทาง Bitkub ให้ไปให้ ChatGPT ดูเป็นตัวอย่างและได้โค้ดออกมาดังนี้ครับ

import hashlib, hmac, json,time, requests, urllib3, sys

api_key = ""
api_secret = ""

def gen_sign(api_secret, payload_string=None):
return hmac.new(api_secret.encode('utf-8'), payload_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

def gen_query_param(url, query_param):
req = requests.PreparedRequest()
req.prepare_url(url, query_param)
return req.url.replace(url,"")

def servertime():
host = 'https://api.bitkub.com'
path = '/api/v3/servertime'
url = host + path
return requests.request('GET', url).text

def get_my_open_orders(symbol):
host = 'https://api.bitkub.com'
path = '/api/v3/market/my-open-orders'

ts = str(servertime())
param = {'sym': symbol}
query_param = gen_query_param(host + path, param)

payload = [ts, 'GET', path, query_param]

sig = gen_sign(api_secret, ''.join(payload))
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-BTK-SIGN': sig,
'X-BTK-APIKEY': api_key

response = requests.request('GET', f'{host}{path}{query_param}', headers=headers, data={}, verify=False)
return response.json()

# Example for the first function
my_open_orders_result = get_my_open_orders(symbol)
print("My Open Orders Result:", my_open_orders_result)

ส่วนข้างบนเอาไว้เรียกดู my open orders

ส่วนคำสั่ง Order ต่างๆรวมไว้ดังนี้

def cancel_order(order_hash):
host = 'https://api.bitkub.com'
path = '/api/v3/market/cancel-order'

ts = str(servertime())
req_body = {'hash': order_hash}
payload = [ts, 'POST', path, json.dumps(req_body)]

sig = gen_sign(api_secret, ''.join(payload))
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-BTK-SIGN': sig,
'X-BTK-APIKEY': api_key

response = requests.request('POST', f'{host}{path}', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(req_body), verify=False)
return response.json()

def place_bid_order(symbol, amount, rate, order_type):
host = 'https://api.bitkub.com'
path = '/api/v3/market/place-bid'

ts = str(servertime())
req_body = {'sym': symbol, 'amt': amount, 'rat': rate, 'typ': order_type}
payload = [ts, 'POST', path, json.dumps(req_body)]

sig = gen_sign(api_secret, ''.join(payload))
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-BTK-SIGN': sig,
'X-BTK-APIKEY': api_key

response = requests.request('POST', f'{host}{path}', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(req_body), verify=False)
return response.json()

def place_ask_order(symbol, amount, rate, order_type):
host = 'https://api.bitkub.com'
path = '/api/v3/market/place-ask'

ts = str(servertime())
req_body = {'sym': symbol, 'amt': amount, 'rat': rate, 'typ': order_type}
payload = [ts, 'POST', path, json.dumps(req_body)]

sig = gen_sign(api_secret, ''.join(payload))
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-BTK-SIGN': sig,
'X-BTK-APIKEY': api_key

response = requests.request('POST', f'{host}{path}', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(req_body), verify=False)
return response.json()

def get_order_info(symbol, order_id, side, order_hash=''):
host = 'https://api.bitkub.com'
path = '/api/v3/market/order-info'

ts = str(servertime())
param = {'sym': symbol, 'id': order_id, 'sd': side, 'hash': order_hash}
query_param = gen_query_param(host + path, param)

payload = [ts, 'GET', path, query_param]

sig = gen_sign(api_secret, ''.join(payload))
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-BTK-SIGN': sig,
'X-BTK-APIKEY': api_key

response = requests.request('GET', f'{host}{path}{query_param}', headers=headers, data={}, verify=False)
return response.json()

# Example for the second function
order_info_result = get_order_info(symbol='', order_id='', side='', order_hash='fwQ6dnQYKnqEHoxtaMynnLwYn6C')
print("Order Info Result:", order_info_result)

# Example for the third function
bid_order_result = place_bid_order('doge_thb', 10, 1, 'limit')
print("Place Bid Order Result:", bid_order_result)

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BTC: bc1qlppgg2f5w6vcsf9z3wnzwysk558htjrrw52teq
ETH: 0x2b0DaC4dF9d7D0aDA5681f5F7dA490B4880CaB3A (ERC20)
USDT: 0x2b0DaC4dF9d7D0aDA5681f5F7dA490B4880CaB3A (ERC20)

